
The Site

Begun in 2009, the Sardis Hour endeavors to address the issues critical to the fundamental church in America. Identifying and addressing areas in which the Church has strayed from its New Testament model is a primary goal. The Church must be called to repentance in these areas and work must commence in order to strengthen those things which remain.

Sardis Hour also seeks to encourage and exhort the faithful, engaged Christians who seek to more deeply understand and follow Christ and His Word as it relates to the Church, the family, and the pervasive culture around us. This site desires to challenge and uplift those who have not defiled their garments.

The name of the site stems from the letter to the church in Sardis found in Revelation 3:1-6. Recognizing that time is of the essence, we should heed the warnings found in this passage and take heart in its promises for those faithful souls.

The Webmaster

I was blessed in God’s mercy to grow up in a Christian home and respond to His call in submission at an early age. I grew up attending several fundamental Baptist churches and a Bible church. More recently, my family and I have begun attending a Reformed Baptist fellowship which embraces a family-integrated form of worship.

While I affirm many of the tenants of fundamentalism in which I was raised, I am also deeply concerned over errors (both theologically and practically) within modern IFB churches. I appreciate many healthy counterbalances and Godly wisdom emanating from the modern reformed resurgence, while still holding to some differing positions of doctrine and practice.

I live in Kansas with my faithful and wonderful wife, along with the growing family with which God has blessed us. We are the grateful (and often tired) parents of 7 young, vivacious children whom we pray will be used of the Lord to serve Him into future generations.

God bless!